One of the biggest reasons to why skinny-fat guys fail to lose fat is appetite.
Most of the skinny-fat clients I train have failed their past diet attempts because 2-3 weeks into a diet they get uncontrollable cravings for the foods they miss and then they give in.
You see, if your diet makes you feel intolerable levels of hunger it’s unsustainable.
It’s only a matter of time before your willpower is depleted and then you will give in and go on a huge binge.
The solution to this is simple:
Increase your intake of foods that are high in potassium.
Foods that are high in potassium have the highest satiety index.
This means that they keep you satiated the longest for every Calorie eaten.
In other words, if you are on a 2500 Calorie diet and you have a hard time sticking to it, eating more potassium rich foods can make that diet much easier to stick to.
The food with the highest satiety index is the white potato.
It keeps you full the longest of any food out there.
To give you some perspective, there are roughly 300 Calories in 375 grams of white potato.
This means that to hit your daily Calories on a typical 2500 Calorie diet you can have almost 3 KG (7 pounds) of potatoes everyday.
Here’s a photo of 1 KG (2.2 pounds) of potatoes:
Now try eating 3 bags of white potatoes and tell me you have problems with appetite. Impossible.
The reason to why great foods like potatoes have gotten a bad reputation is because:
- A lot of so called experts in the fitness industry jumped on the low carb and KETO bandwagon when it became popular. Supposedly potatoes and fruit make you fat because they contain sugar. This doesn’t make sense since fruits and potatoes have a very high nutritional value and the sugar in fruit is processed in a completely different way than refined sugar (it doesn’t cause these energy spikes and drops). It’s just another part of the “fitness industry marketing cycle” where a specific way of training and dieting is popular for 8-10 years and then you can make a lot of money if you jump on that bandwagon. If you followed me since 2013, you will notice that my training and diet recommendations have been consistent since that time because I rely on my own experience training REAL clients and transforming my own body. I ate potatoes and fruits in huge quantities while losing body-fat and gaining muscle mass and I still do.
- Most restaurants prepare potatoes with big amounts of butter, oil and salt to add flavor. This makes the potatoes more paletable so you eat more of them and more than doubles the Calorie count of each potato.
With that out of the way, let’s discuss other high satiety food sources?
Other great foods are sweet potatoes and all fruits and vegetables.
All of these foods keep you satiated for a long time while providing a minimal amount of Calories.
However, just like with potatoes, watch out for the way they’re prepared.
If you eat a big bowl of raw spinach it’s not the same as eating a big bowl of spinach with 6 table spoons of oil and sauces on it.
It’s the oil and sauces that increase the Calorie count, not the vegetables.
The bottom line is: If you have problems with appetite, make sure that most of your diet consists of potatoes, yams, fruits and vegetables.
You can eat these foods in HUGE quantities without exceeding your daily Calories.
Here’s a good trick to balance out your appetite: Use potatoes as your main carb source for most meals and then have a big bowl of green leafy vegetables after you feel ~90% full.
The potatoes will ensure that you get enough carbs to support your training.
The green leafy vegetables have almost no Calories (even when eaten in huge amounts), therefore they will fill up your stomach and prevent you from getting hungry before your next meal.
In addition to this, eating a lot of green leafy vegetables will improve your blood flow, speed up training recovery, increase your energy levels and clean up any acne or bad skin you might have.
So how about fruits?
Fruits you can use as your main carb source whenever you’re tired of eating potatoes.
Fruits do not satiate as well as potatoes, however they’re still a great option.
They consist mostly of water therefore you can eat a huge volume of fruit without exceeding your daily carb intake.
It’s nearly impossible to overeat on fruits because by the time you’re reaching your target carb intake you will feel so full already.
Here’s a list of fruit quantities that amount to just over 300 Calories:
- 565 grams oranges.
- 550 grams apples.
- 555 grams pineapple.
- 920 grams watermelon.
- 460 grams mango.
In other words, if you’re on a typical 2500 Calorie diet you can have over 16 pounds (7.3 KG) of watermelon to fill up your daily Calories.
Overall, diet satiety is of course just one aspect of setting up a diet that’s optimal for skinny-fat guys and eating more potassium only covers the carb part of increasing diet satiety.
If you want to apply for a comprehensive diet plan and training program, check out The Online Transformation Program for Skinny-Fat Guys.
Be proud but stay hungry!
Oskar Faarkrog, ISSA Certified Trainer
What is your recipe to prepare potatoes without adding extra fats or sugary sauces and yet make it taste good?
Yes, I want to know too. Make my spuds tastier please!