The #1 Website for Skinny-Fat Guys

My name is Oskar Faarkrog, I’m an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and my website SKINNY-FAT TRANSFORMATION has been read by over 6 million skinny-fat guys from all over the world. I was diagnosed with low testosterone levels at age 18 however despite my shortcomings I boosted my testosterone levels by 270% naturally, lost 60 pounds of body-fat and gained 40 pounds of muscle mass. You can learn more about my transformation in the videos below:
Bodyweight Training for the Skinny-Fat Guy [2020]
Being skinny-fat means that you lack upper body muscle mass while having excess body-fat in the …
I Boosted My Testosterone Levels By 270% Naturally [2020]
I was a young guy with no drive, no ambitions, no athleticism and no girlfriends. I looked dead in …
Increasing Calories Can Help You Lose Fat – If Your Metabolism Is Slow
I recently started taking on more clients for my Online Transformation Program and today I’ll …
Skinny-Fat Success Story: They Didn’t Think I Could Get A Summer Body, But I Did!
Several years ago, a young guy named Harshit Godha emailed me to join my 1 year physique …
How to Reduce Puffy Nipples (Gynecomastia) Without Surgery [2020]
Throughout all my teenage years and early 20s, I had puffy nipples that were visible in t shirts. …
Serge Nubret Pump Training: No Need to Lift Heavy to Gain Muscle
I often see guys at the gym using way more weight than me. Some of them are bigger, but …
28 Skinny-Fat Workout and Diet Myths
Learn about the top skinny-fat workout and diet mistakes that I made during the first 3 years of my …
Why You Shouldn’t Do Starting Strength As A Beginner [2020]
I followed the strength program “starting strength” for around 9 months followed by the …
How to Build the Beach Muscles with Diamond Push Ups
Most of you can perform sets of 20+ regular push ups with ease and this makes the push up useless …
The 3 Most Important Exercises for a Skinny-Fat Guy
To become aesthetic the goal should be to get an X-shaped body; strong legs, small waist and wide …
How Bone Structure Affects the Type of Training You Should Do
I’ve always observed that fat, big-boned guys have a lot of “natural” muscle mass …
Skinny-Fat Solution: The 2 Phases of a Skinny-Fat Transformation
My name is Oskar Faarkrog , I’m a Certified Personal Trainer from the International Sports Science …
L.R., USA: “For several months I had been killing myself in the gym, lifting heavy weights five days a week. My results were lackluster and I constantly felt lethargic and irritable. After 6 months of doing Oskar’s bodyweight routine I found myself 30 pounds lighter, with visible abs and a lean build. I took a vacation to the Dominican Republic and was constantly complimented on my physique.”
Daniel ngan, hong kong, 7 month transformation: “i trained for nearly 7 years without anything to show for it.
Rikesh Murali, India: “I was a regular gym goer who dreamt of a physique and your approach was kind of my last resort before giving up completely”

Niklas Hanhisalo, Finland:

Francis, USA (10 week transformation): “This is probably the most amazing thing I have done with my body, and it’s due to this program. I’m amazed.”

Harshit Godha, India: “I started with 0 wide grip pull ups, and progressed to 15. I am quite surprised with my back and shoulder growth.”

Pablo Lazaro, Northern Ireland, 12 week transformation: “I am glad to inform you that people have noticed my physical transformation, even I noticed how girls approach me more lol, I guess it is a good sign. ????”