Until Monday 2 April 2018 you can enter my free contest where you can win:
A Customised High Testosterone Diet Plan For Skinny-Fat Guys (+20 page document based on 6-page client assessment form): The diet plan includes over 30 food options for each meal to help you optimise your natural testosterone production and everything will be laid out clearly so you know exactly how often to eat, what to eat and how much to eat of each food.
3 bottles of ArcticMed Premium Omega-3 Fish Oil (The most important supplement for skinny-fat guys). Valued at 100 USD.
There will be 10 winners in the contest.
To enter the contest, do the following:
- Leave a rating on iTunes of my new business & career podcast Future Skills. Here’s the link to the podcast: Future Skills Podcast on iTunes
- Screenshot the rating.
- Send a screenshot of the rating along with your name to my email [email protected]
The deadline to enter the contest is Monday 2 April 2018.
Be proud but stay hungry!
Oskar Faarkrog, ISSA Certified Trainer
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